2014年3月 4日 (火)Zone of Familiarity
Hello, 本日の当番、プランナーのCです。
I decide to write this entry in English again. Because a wise person said to me today "it is better to know bad English and keep using it and build up than to not know English at all."
The hardest thing about being a プランナー is you may have to do things you are not good at. Programmers might do this a little bit. A programmer good at rendering graphics might have to look at network server programming or a character modeler might have to help touch up the environment art.
With the プランナー, you are a lot more likely to go outside your zone of familiarity. If you do cinematics you must learn all of a sudden how to do cameras like a film director. Writing messages that go in the system text is very different from writing a letter to your friends.
So I know I must keep writing and try to create different styles of English in order to really get better. It is a little stressful, especially when you feel like you must increase your knowledge in a big step by a very harsh deadline.
Keep trying and keep communicating It is easy to give up when you are out of your zone of familiarity for a long time. Talking with others is a good idea too, their own unique experience and perspectives can help see things in a new angle.
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